Music and Theatre

Tessa took to music at a young age and loved the piano.  She took to it naturally and was self-motivated to frequently sit down and practice.  She began composing her own songs, and as she got older she learned to play new songs with the help of YouTube videos.

In high school she picked up the guitar and never put it down.  She loved music and how it brought people together.

She loved to sing and act, and when she was 6 years old she found a love for musical theatre.  She participated in theatre year round until she was 17 years old with CMTSJ (Children’s Musical Theatre San Jose) and her mountain theatre, Theatre in the Mountains.

Theatre became her main childhood and adolescent activity and she always looked forward to the next show.  She was a natural comedienne on stage.  In 8th grade she played Lumiere in Beauty and the Beast, and it was this role that coined the the phrase “Your Light Shines on Forever”.

Your Light Shines on Forever

Enjoy Some Video Clips of Tessa’s Music and Theatre

Tessa Joy “Gypsy Robe” Award