Mosaic Bench

Tessa’s family and water polo coach wanted to have a memorial bench that radiated as much color and joy as Tessa’s vibrant personality radiated during her too short life.  A bench placed at the entrance to the LGHS pool was the perfect location, as Tessa spent a majority of her time at the pool, and she was happiest when she was around her water polo teammates, swim teammates, and all of her coaches.

Parents would often pick up their kids from the pool at the end of their long day at school and after-school workout.  Most of the time, the kids would be sitting on the stairs or gathered around the stark pool entrance.  A Joyful bench would be the perfect thing to allow Tessa’s memory to bring some color and joy to the entrance area.  And the bench would need to be big enough to seat at least 3 or 4 kids, as Tessa would have wanted a place for many friends to gather.  So the Joy Bench had a plan and a direction, and it would need to be in place by the first anniversary of Tessa’s physical absence from the pool.

The Making of Tessa’s Joy Bench

Marsha Rafter, an artist friend who specializes in mosaics and ceramics, was the perfect person to commission for the task.  Marsha was a friend and mountain mom who lived on the Loma Prieta Mountain for years, but had since moved to San Diego.  She listened patiently as the requirements were listed that would attempt to represent as many aspects of Tessa’s high school life as could fit onto a bench. (Marsha’s Website)

The list of elements would be daunting to most, but Marsha began sketching and refining her drawings with the help and feedback from Tessa’s mom, Letitia.  After all the beautiful sketches were complete, Marsha made them full scale, colored them, and placed them on her large workbenches in her San Diego art studio.  Letitia visited for a weekend and helped pick out the glass and began helping Marsha cut the glass and lay it out on the drawings.  Marsha made custom ceramic pieces for various items in the bench, such as all of the text, the sunflowers, water polo cap and ball, redwood trees, etc. Tessa’s homecoming crown was photographed and was replicated in 2-D with jewels and bling.  Marsha spent months mosaicing and perfecting the sides of the bench in her studio before carefully transporting it up to Los Gatos for the installation. It is laboriously hard work and it certainly takes a professional to come up with something as beautiful and meaningful as this bench!

To complicate matters further, it was decided to create a matching mosaic sign above the bench that would be a sign for the Los Gatos High School Aquatics Center.  Much of the sign was done in the Davis’ workshop after Marsha came to LG for the installation week.  Many friends and family members came to help cut and place the glass under Marsha’s direction.  It was a true community effort.

Meanwhile, the concrete base for the bench was formed and poured and was awaiting installation of the mosaic.  Tessa’s favorite weather appropriately appeared the day of installation–Rain!  Again, many friends came to help with the install and final grouting.  Tessa’s water polo coach, Don, grouted the water polo ball and Tessa’s cap.  The bench and sign turned out more beautiful and joyful than anyone could have anticipated.

In order for the bench to represent Tessa completely, it would need to contain the following items:

  • The word “Joy”

  • Tessa’s Homecoming Crown

  • A “Team TJ” Water Polo Ball

  • Polo Cap #7

  • The Color Purple

  • Sunflowers, Purple Flowers, Garden Elements

  • Hummingbirds and Butterflies

  • Depiction of Tessa’s Mountain Home and Redwood Trees

  • Water and Waves

  • Sea Turtles and Sea Life

  • Boats

  • A Beautiful Sunset

  • Tessa’s email tagline “~Live in the Moment; Think Ahead~”

  • “Your Light Shines On Forever”

  • Tessa’s Name and Dates (subtly) 

The finished “Tessa Joy Bench”

Coach Don’s Dedication

Joy Bench Dedication and Visitors